Exchange rates from Stellar to Tinkoff RUB

Exchanger Exchange rate ▼ Fee Available Reviews
from 3370.2619 XLM
1.00 » 29.64 62 314 702.60 0  /  0
from 203.700872
1.00 » 28.00 5 741 995.00 0  /  0
from 169.755503
1.00 » 28.00 94 334 203.00 12  /  0
from 73.7274 XLM
1.00 » 27.13 11 273 414.65 0  /  0
from 187.84153005
1.00 » 24.60 9 382 847.10 1  /  1
The number of exchangers that exchange in a given direction: 5
Total reserves in the direction: 183 047 162.35 Tinkoff RUB

Exchange Stellar to other currency

Get Tinkoff RUB giving another currency

More about exchanging Stellar to Tinkoff RUB

Using the exchangers provided in the table, you have the opportunity to profitably exchange Stellar to Tinkoff RUB. Opposite each exchange office you can find useful information that will allow you to make a better deal. In case of any problems with the payment, you should contact the support service of the exchanger site, where you will be assisted as soon as possible.

Thanks to constant monitoring of exchange rates on the XRates website, you get the latest exchange rate Stellar to Tinkoff RUB, which allows you to make profitable transactions in a few clicks, going to the exchanger page with one click on its name.

In cases where it is not possible to exchange Stellar to Tinkoff RUB at the specified exchange rate, we ask you to immediately inform us about this problem. So we can transfer the latest transaction information to the exchanger to collect information on your problem and find options for resolving the differences. Exchangers who refuse to cooperate with us in resolving such incidents are instantly excluded from the lists of our site.

Security guarantees when exchanging Stellar to Tinkoff RUB

The lists offered on the site include only reliable exchangers. Each of them is tested by the administration of XRates and has high rated rating on various sources. Also, we note that we are not associated with any of them with legal agreements or arrangements, therefore, we provide the most transparent information about their activities.

When choosing exchange office for the transaction, pay particular attention to reviews of real users, as well as indicators that are displayed inside the table. This approach will allow you to avoid problems with conducting a currency transaction.

Despite the fact that we are not bound by agreements with exchangers, and are not responsible for the loss of funds, we are try to fully provide our assistance to resolve the difficulties between the client of our site and the exchange office.

If you exchanged money and you liked something or didn't like it in the exchanger, please leave a review. This will help us to monitor the quality of service of exchangers listed in our rating.
If you decide to leave a negative review, describe in detail the situation (direction of exchange, exchange number, your contacts). We will try to help You to resolve the problem.